
Showing posts from July, 2022


Not much has happened since the last blog post unfortunately but that's also, not really a big surprise. As expressed before, I start school pretty soon, like in 2 weeks soon, and I'm kind of stress, I went shopping today for a backpack and it started to smell like the outside of the school and it kinda just hit, it's back soon, and I don't know what to think, it's been a fast summer, I mean, really. I watched a lot of films and bought a bunch of Blu-rays and dug around with some games and stuff so I'm very happy I was able to do that, this is the last summer I can do that since after this year I have to deal with college stuff, so I'm gonna consume a bunch of random media whilst I can, I started playing Sonic Generations after going through a rough hour or two, missing files, not starting properly, configuration, all that stuff. I finally figured out the problem and that's I had to turn off the anti-virus protection and not redownload the steam dll file...


God, it's been a LONG time hasn't it, I'm really sorry. I would make up some type of excuse and say "Oh, I'm really busy!" or something like that but genuinely let's face it, that's not the case, I'm just really lazy to write a long form post like I usually would do, now with that being said let's talk about a few things! Monday I went to the park, and I swung, which I love to do, I don't do it much unfortunately and I wish I did it a lot more often but I never feel determined too, I listened to a lot of Sematary during this and it was fun, everytime I swing I get a ton of ideas flowing and it helps me with a clear mental state which helps me a lot with my creativity, and this time wasn't any different. After I was done I kind of, might've, maybe vomited. Usually after I'm done swinging I feel pretty bad and out of breath (I don't get a lot of exercise) but this time I figured out why, everytime I feel that, it was me trying...

Radio Show - 36.5 FM Episode 2

Hello! Didn't think I'd forget about this huh, well, you're wrong, if you even had that thought to begin with. This is episode 2! Unfortunately it's a month late but really I have no excuse for that other than I felt really lazy so I decided just to not do it last month. We have some new changes, first of all, and important to note, no more hosts. I figured it'd be cool to do it but honestly I don't wanna bother and this is about the music itself, and is going to solely focus on the songs, that's why I made it to begin with. This time, instead of 10 songs, we have 20! Yes! Double the songs! I decided to do that as there's more artists I can throw in as well as the ones I would usually throw in. I hope these 2 changes benefit the show, as they helped me take off stress from compiling everything. The running length for these for now on will continue to be over an hour. There's a lot more variety in this episode I'm pretty happy with, and a ton of m...