Not much has happened since the last blog post unfortunately but that's also, not really a big surprise. As expressed before, I start school pretty soon, like in 2 weeks soon, and I'm kind of stress, I went shopping today for a backpack and it started to smell like the outside of the school and it kinda just hit, it's back soon, and I don't know what to think, it's been a fast summer, I mean, really. I watched a lot of films and bought a bunch of Blu-rays and dug around with some games and stuff so I'm very happy I was able to do that, this is the last summer I can do that since after this year I have to deal with college stuff, so I'm gonna consume a bunch of random media whilst I can, I started playing Sonic Generations after going through a rough hour or two, missing files, not starting properly, configuration, all that stuff. I finally figured out the problem and that's I had to turn off the anti-virus protection and not redownload the steam dll file...