
Not much has happened since the last blog post unfortunately but that's also, not really a big surprise. As expressed before, I start school pretty soon, like in 2 weeks soon, and I'm kind of stress, I went shopping today for a backpack and it started to smell like the outside of the school and it kinda just hit, it's back soon, and I don't know what to think, it's been a fast summer, I mean, really. I watched a lot of films and bought a bunch of Blu-rays and dug around with some games and stuff so I'm very happy I was able to do that, this is the last summer I can do that since after this year I have to deal with college stuff, so I'm gonna consume a bunch of random media whilst I can, I started playing Sonic Generations after going through a rough hour or two, missing files, not starting properly, configuration, all that stuff. I finally figured out the problem and that's I had to turn off the anti-virus protection and not redownload the steam dll file, after I got that sorted I started playing, and it's a really fun game! I especially love the switch between Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic's game play styles, it's fun to switch between the two, and Modern Sonic's homing attack is especially wonderful to use, boosting too. I plan on playing the other games since those seem fun but I'm not sure when, I wanna beat the game first. I finished the IDW comics too of Sonic, what's out now at least and it's really great stuff! I love it a lot, great story and art, though the bad guys from Lost World arc was pretty boring, but I don't care about that game so I guess that's why, and that one character, the one that's obsessed with Eggman, I don't care for that either but I do love the new characters Tangle and Whisper, they're a great duo in the comics and I hope we get more of them, as well as Surge and Kit who was introduced in some of the later comics, they're also pretty great. I'm done with LOONA I think, at least the promotion side of it, mostly because BlockBerry Creative is genuinely a bad company, there's no way that their most popular member, Chuu, who's the 10th girl, is not joining the tour for all of it, or their first Japanese concert, and the promotion for the 2nd Japanese single, I can't think of a smart reason why she's excluded outside of "schedule conflicts" yet there's genuinely no feasible way her schedule is that long and she's that booked, and after the Flip That promotions, I'd rather not, that was tiring. I don't know what to make of it, really, I don't wanna think about it either, it's all nothing. I don't know what to write, I'm sorry, I just figured I'll push out a post since it's been a bit, and plus, I wanna write something today at least. Oh! So, Godzilla. What about him you might ask? Well! Drum roll please.... I finally own all the Japanese films on Blu-ray, excluding the Criterion set and the out of print titles that go up to 300 bucks, but realistically if I was that desperate for titles I'll import the Japanese Blu-rays which are cheaper than expected, next on the list is the Godzilla Showa Era set, but yeah that's why I wanted to write the post. Also Walmart is an awful store, trust me, I was there today to get a backpack and it was frankly terrible, I was nervous and stressed out because of everything going on, not fun at all. I'm sorry for the small post, this might be my shortest to date minus the Radio 36.5 FM posts, I'll be on my way though, I'll check you guys in the next one, peace.

P.S. Apparently you can change music and textures in Postal 2, time to make the worst version of Postal 2 that there can be :).


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