Future for the Blog

Hello, Ruby here, I've been deciding and thinking about some things for some time now and I think I've decided to make possible the best decision for this blog, I think I'm gonna stop making posts that detail my day, or at least severely limit them to at least once or twice a month. Why, you might ask? I'm doing it because it'll allow me to actually write what I genuinely wanna write about, and it's not as exhausting. Does that mean they're gonna stop? No, not at all, I enjoy writing them a bunch but they unfortunately don't allow me to have the energy for the actual posts I wanna do. The post earlier today, the one about Natsuki Ozawa, I loved doing that a lot, doing the research, looking and looking just to document here through this blog, that's what I love, that's what I made the blog for originally, but it felt like the posts about my life took over and I'm not into that at all. I hope my enjoyment in writing those posts became really obvious as I began writing them less and then ended up not wanting to write them as I had no drive to anyways, but now that I've done that previous post, I know where my heart lies and what it enjoys, doing research and finding obscure media and consuming it. I hope this is a very very understandable change, and it's one I'm incredibly happy to make. I hope you'll begin to enjoy a new era of my blog, possibly the best one too. Radio 36.5 FM Episode 3 coming this week or next, definitely before October though. I hope you all have a blessed day :).


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