
Something interesting happened yesterday, not really but that's a good opening sentence to catch someone's attention. I started to read Uzumaki by Junji Ito and, to be honest, it's possibly some of the best media I have ever read. Presumably I don't really read much, even though I'm a writer. Junji Ito's art style has always been visually appealing to me for some reason, the way he draws the characters and the area surrounding them is always fascinating to look at, on top of a thrilling and exciting story (in terms of Uzumaki, that is), it ties it all together to be a really great read in general, and I'm pretty excited to finish it today. I've only read 12 chapters out of the 20 published, so I'm gonna do a little speed reading later this morning. It's all visually appealing though and keeps me intrigued, I really wish western media incorporated more manga elements... I'm thinking of graphic novels aren't I? Yeah, I am. Either way, it's really fun to read, first time I've felt thrilled by reading like that, Junji Ito's detailed horror art is genuinely scary at times, especially the lighthouse chapter, he's an incredible artist and I love reading his work so much. My next plan is to start reading Gyo next, his other manga, from what I've seen and known it looks like it's about a fish? The first chapter takes place on a boat if I recall so it's presumably so. Really hope it is. I watched Sailor Suit and Machine Gun last night! It was really good although I'm left incredibly dissatisfied with it, with a title like that you'd expect the girl to have a machine gun just shooting and having fun but that's not the case really. It's a semi boring cute story that's awkwardly shot, although it's beautiful visually and there's some frames in that movie that look incredibly good, am I happy I got it as a blind buy? Ehhhh I feel something, but I'll save that for tomorrow if you don't mind waiting. Does anyone know any Japanese movies that's just violence with a crazy concept, something like The Machine Girl? I love movies like that so much because of the pure absurdity, you can't get that with American cinema, which is why I prefer foreign movies more probably, the last American movie was Norbit. Surprisingly, Norbit is a good movie, critically speaking it's not in any sense of the word but as a casual viewer, it's such a fun watch and definitely something to shut your mind off too which is what I did and enjoyed it so much. Movies become so much better when you don't think of them critically and just have fun watching them, especially children's movies, those are made for children of course it's not going to be a high piece of media so stop acting like it is. A good example of this is Sonic The Hedgehog from 2020, although the movie is quite flawed and questionable at times, it's a fun children movie at the end of the day that I would be happy to watch again given the chance. Cinema is so weird, my taste changes so much and this is the first time it feels incredibly drastic, I go from watching indie 2000s movies from 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures. I'm super into Japanese movies where absurd things happen, for example The Machine Girl, or monster movies from said country like Ultraman and Godzilla (latter being my absolute favorite). I guess I'm scratching an itch I've had for a long time, either way I'm really happy that's the case as I've been struggling for a while to find what I really like, I'm glad it's random stuff like that as it also broadens my taste by being more open to 1) reading subs, and 2) watching foreign movies. I don't know what really sparked my love for Godzilla though, I think it's this old friend I used to have who was absolutely obsessed with the franchise and it must've rubbed off on me, and the hype of Godzilla vs Kong as well. Godzilla as a concept is awesome though, a monster made from radiation spawned from the left overs of America's hydrogen bomb who's sole purpose is to destroy is kind of cool, not the hydrogen part but the sole purpose is. It's just really fun watching what happens and I'm glad there's like nearly 40 movies documenting that, although I want to get through every single movie, as soon as physically possible, which could possibly leak into next year unfortunately. Unfortunately for right now I'm running out of things to really talk about so I'm going to end this post off by saying that there's gonna be a Blu-ray review tomorrow, as well as a Uzumaki review (that's possibly over today) and I'm pleased to say I started work on the second episode of 36.5 FM, which is set to release in June, so I have more than enough time to work on more episodes given the chance. I wanna have throughout the next year planned by May so it's not a thing I need to stress over constantly, so I figured if it's more helpful to get it out of the way instead. That's all I have for now though, I mean it this time. I will catch you guys in the next one, have a enjoyable day as I feel I will too.


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