
Hello, it's me again. Realistically I don't know what to exactly write about, yet again, so I guess I'll write about my classes first and foremost, then slowly transition into media consumption. I officially started my second week and it's surprisingly going much better than I ever expected, and the reason why I'm saying that is because I enjoyed it. Yeah, I'm actually excited about school, who knew. Not much really has happened though, I have a test today and tomorrow, one in Economics, which is the one today, and one in my Accounting class which is tomorrow, I don't exactly know what's in check for the blog anymore because I've been so stressed about the last few weeks, I'm not sure what I've mentioned and what I haven't so I'm genuinely everywhere right now so if I sound inconsistent or anything that's why, I did get up less than an hour ago and I'm standing out in the cold waiting for my bus, which! I'm not riding the old bus again, thank god. I feel pretty thankful about that mostly because it's pretty tiring getting home at a late time, as I've expressed, I always felt it limited my window of time to get stuff done, in which what felt like an onslaught of stress just compiled on top of each other which is the LAST thing I need right now. I hate being out waiting for my bus, I'm so used to it but it's dreadful, I wanna go back to sleep, I don't even remember when I went to sleep but if I had to guess, 12:43? I have to get up at 5 am every morning so I always go to bed at 12 something so I can get a maximum of 5 hours of sleep. Is that healthy? No, but I'm still here so I don't see why I should change it. Does it make me tired for throughout most of the day? Absolutely, but I can power through, I'm used to it being like that anyways so it doesn't bother me much like it should. I'm standing right now so let me get on the bus to continue writing, whenever that'll be. I can think better that way so it'll help if I just wait to write if I'm sitting down. Okay, hey, I'm back now, I'm not sitting yet but I do wanna mention that 36.5 Episode 3 is already prepared, I'm just waiting for it to be September so I can releases it and get on with the next episode, which is 50% done already so that's exciting, I was working on the episode last night but ultimately scrapped what I came up with but because the songs didn't feel like they could be cohesive I abandoned that version, though I feel like a lot of the songs in that batch will make it to episode 4 in some form or another. My creativity is stuck in a rut at the moment, I'm not sure what to make, I made an edit yesterday but it felt lazy and I wrote a poem too that I wanna repurpose so bad because I'm not big on a few lines that I already wrote for the poem. I really hope I get out of whatever this is real soon because I wanna be more creative, just something to help me get out of whatever this year has been, and whatever it will be in the near future because it'll probably help me get through life easier, that and writing right now would be pretty easy, I've been writing for like, 25 minutes and I can't think of much else to write and feel rigid and tired so I just stare into space and completely ignore the existence of the blog or the fact I can write. I'm so sleepy right now, so bare with me, I probably should write a post like this later when I feel fully capable but I think this is the only time I feel like I can actually write about considering I have like 2-3 hours open to do a majority of what I want to get out of the way which includes this blog, but I've been thinking and I wanna try this system where there's a blog post every Saturday going over the past week, I believe this is the best way to go at it, so I don't overstress myself about getting a post out on time and also allow other types of posts to be on the blog, which I've been wanting to do, I am afraid that I'll lose passion or something because it's 7 days between posts but I assure you that is not the case, and whatever this system is, is not gonna be permanent though it would be lovely if I can keep up with it. This also brings in the question, what is considered a different type of post? Simple, it's not a blog post. I'm gonna be honestly, most of this post is filler, I am so strapped for anything to write about I'm willing to take it. The only thing worth while in this post is that blog idea of one post a week which I'll probably start doing next week since it's already halfway through this one already, so I don't really see the point of it. We're gonna start doing HTML in class finally and I might be pretty good because I have very basic knowledge of it, or at least I know enough to get started, for which I'm hoping is the case. I'm thinking at some point to make this blog it's own website, drainedloser.com, and have an archive of all these posts, or I could buy the demain and use it here though I like the idea of having my own website so I hope one day that can happen. Okay, I'm getting tired of writing about all of this, honestly, so let's, after this long, bring up media. This part is the part I'm mostly excited to write about the most, for complete obvious reasons. I've been getting really into Japanese Shoegaze, I recently listened to this album called Seifuku Kanro Kurabu by this band called Tokenainamae and it was pretty amazing, I loved the way everything sounded and it was really well paced, I listened to their Waiting At Time Machine album as well and really enjoyed it too. I'm 100% checking out their full discography after those two, as well as more Japanese shoegaze in general, this stuff is pretty amazing. I'm also checking out more shoegaze in the meantime as well too, I listened to Burrrn's Blaze Down His Way Like The Space Show and it was pretty great, and as of writing this I'm listening to the Eureka album by Kinoko Teikoku, pretty great stuff. I watched this movie last night, Kamakazi Girls, it's been on my watchlist for over a year now and I'm finally glad I was able to watch it because it's genuinely a fun movie, the editing, pacing and humor were right up my alley so I had a really fun time with it. I have a long list of movies to watch and like 20+ happen to be Japanese so I thought it'd be best if I got those out of the way first, and I get into the habit of watching movies pretty consistently again because I had such a sudden drop as soon as school started and I wanna change that. I really wish I wrote more, and something better as well but it's whatever, I always have the next few posts to get better, I just have to get back into the swing of things which is going to suck but definitely needed, I just feel a little bit better about everything. I hope your day is well just like mine has been, I'm tuning out for now.

P.S. Godzilla Godzilla Godzilla Godzilla Sonic Sonic Sonic Sonic


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