
I was supposed to make a post Friday but unfortunately got wrapped up in something I quite frankly didn't want to. I'm unfortunately finding less and less to write about what I'm doing at school, as it's pretty boring and mundane right now. The most I can talk about is my coding class in which we wrote some code to execute a very simple Tic-Tac-Toe program and it was pretty fun, it wasn't like we had to code line by line, which would've been miserable since there's specifically 94 lines of text to write for something that basic, but instead we had spots where we had to fill in the blank, it was fun! I really like HTML and to some extent coding, so I'm pretty excited to see where this class goes and takes me, as this semester we're going over the very basics in HTML which I have a pretty good grasp on. I keep saying this and I'm going to say it again, I hope one day I'm able to put this blog on it's own designated website although I really really like the url that goes with this blogspot, drainesloser.blogspot.com, it looks really nice to me, and I probably have some attachment to it since I like Blogger in general, it's really fun to mess around with. I really hope to one day use my knowledge for something like a personal website in the feature, I mean I took this class for that EXACT reason anyways, it'd be cool to have a personal website where anything goes but it'd be cooler if you built it from the ground up, of course that's without saying the existence of JavaScript, which realistically would get everything I wanna do on my non-existent website to like, you know, exist. I would give a clear-cut example of what I'm talking about but I unfortunately don't have any on my mind right now to really spew out, though I wish I did. But yeah, as I said I'm pretty excited to learn in that class, coding seems pretty fun and easy but overwhelming since you need a lot of code just to do a simple process, I recently looked at the HTML for my favorite website, Blu-ray.com and it was nearly 6,000 lines of text, so I know what I'm getting myself into. For once I actually feel like I have a lot I wanna cover and talk about in a post so my spirits are fairly high right now, I feel pretty good for some reason, which, trust me is not common for this month. That post idea from last week about doing all the posts at the end of the week is a brilliant idea, and I wish I thought of it sooner, but it's only 5 months into the blog, it's not like I came up with it like 4 years in. It's most definitely the amount of stress that comes along with feeling complied to write super long blog posts every 2 days, I don't like doing it. Don't get me wrong, these posts are FUN to do and I will do anything in my power to write them like there was no tomorrow but if I kept up with that schedule you'll actively see me typing 10 lines of text to describe a sandwich I've had for lunch the previous day, I'm gonna be real, I don't want that. This new schedule gives me time to flesh out topics, and let's me experience more. Okay well, fleshing out topics is something I'm actually not big on, as I actually don't plan anything for these posts, I open up my notes app and start typing away like there's no tomorrow. It's pretty obvious because this blog definitely feels stream of conscious writing which I really like to do. Okay, I'll talk about something else, hmmm, so my school had a pep-rally. Pep-rallies I always thought were lame, why would they force me to go to this event I don't care about and make me watch things I don't care about. I don't have pride for the school, I never have and I never will, it's just how it is. I remember last year they allowed us to go to the lunchroom if we didn't want to participate in the pep-rally since it's right next to the gym where they take place, I'm still bummed out they removed that because it gave me time to mess around with my friends which is all I really want to do nowadays. It just hit me this is the final year of my high school and that I'm gonna have to do something with myself. That worries me, a lot. I know I can do it but I'm scared of the rough transition from school to a job. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it, though I guess at a job I'll be getting paid consistently anyways so actually I don't mind it. It's a lot, and it's just another thing I can blame my laziness on for a lack of posts, but I'm being real here. Things are changing, and I feel lost, once what was a normal fun life turned into whatever it's going to be in the future, I don't know where that's gonna be, and I'd rather not speculate or figure out the problem, easier for me to find out naturally. Anyways, back to the pep-rally, it was boring and stupid. No surprise, I really don't know where the money is going for our school but it's definitely not the right place, they had flags with letters for the chant printed on it and like, that's a bit too much isn't it, it's not that crazy, nobody actually cares. It was also loud and obnoxious but that's no real surprise there, is it? I'm not sure what more I can truly say, so I think I'm gonna move on. Next topic, Japanese media. Yes, it's not a Ruby blog post if I don't gush over some random piece of media(s) I found, in this entry I recently found a few bands, first being Spool, and the latter being Sotaisei Riron. Both are pretty great, both bands are shoegaze inspired, rock? pop? I'm not exactly sure but I'm eating it up and enjoying it a bunch. I listened to Sotaisei Riron's Hi-Fi Anatomia and it was incredible, the first track hooks you in immediately, it's really beautiful, as well as the second track whom's guitar reminds me of the guitar from Daft Punk's Something About Us, it's a really great record. I wish I knew more what to say though. There's also Spool's Spool, it's a self-titled that is pretty great for what it is, I caught myself really really enjoying the melodies and the guitar playing the most out of the record the most, as both complete the album and make it what it is. I can't exactly recall the best track so if you're curious I absolutely recommend trying the record out for yourself, it has my highest recommendation. On top of music, I find myself interested in Kamen Rider a lot, so I'm gonna check out a lot of the series before the year ends, I have a list I prepared of all the shows I wanna watch and thankfully most of them are readily available on the internet free to watch. I have 10 shows to watch and 3 movies, and I even watched one of the movies last night, Kamen Rider ZO, it was a pretty fun movie, dark but I'm okay with that. With my only knowledge of Kamen Rider previously being Kamen Rider Kuuga, I'm not sure what I was truly expecting but I was fairly surprised by what I saw, and I really loved it. I loved the effects, the characters, the writing, just, everything about it was amazing and I can't wait to dive into more. I wanna particularly watch the first series, Kamen Rider, as it seems to be pretty fun overall and it is the series that cemented what Kamen Rider is, but it's 100+ episodes, might as well get that out of the way first. I guess my love for Godzilla has lowered a bit but it got replaced for tokusatsu, which I'm okay with for the moment, as tokusatsu is pretty fun to begin with. I'm gonna start with Kamen Rider and work my way up the series in order of release, it'll be fun to see the technology improving as time goes on. I really hope I enjoy the series enough to power through, though I know I will. I don't really have much more to say so I'm ending the post here, writing this was fun so yeah, I'll check you guys next time, have a blessed day.

P.S. I forgot to mention LOONA, but they're doing KCON right now and I'm very concerned with the way the group is heading, their first tour has been a complete and utter mess, and each member slowly has been getting more injured or tired as time goes on, I really hope they rest up and heal after this month, they need it. They're working all the way into October. I miss Chuu, I miss when LOONA felt simple.


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